The European Academy of Religion Annual conference 2019 is taking place in Bologna, from Sunday, March 3rd  till Thursday, March 7th.

We here highlight the following event:

Author Meets Critique

Olimpia Niglio: “Paesaggio sacro e architettura cristiana nella prefettura di Nagasaki”

With Olimpia Niglio (Pontificia Facoltà Teologica Marianum), Umberto Donati (Fondazione Italia Giappone) and Leonardo Servadio

March 5, 2019, h 17,00 – Via San Vitale 114, Bologna


About the European Academy of Religion and its activities:

Religion plays a central role in our world. Shared knowledge and academic reflection can stimulate a peaceful coexistence and avoid religious illiteracy.

Both in the academic world and in Europe as a whole, there is a basis of a shared understanding of the importance of religious pluralism, religious

freedom, ecumenical dialogue, and of the role of religions and of religious studies in order to build peace and citizenship in the global world.

The European Academy of Religion (EuARe) is a research initiative launched under the high patronage of the European Parliament which offers an exchange platform to academies and scientific societies; associations; research centers and institutions; university labs, clusters, and departments; journals, publishers, media and scholars coming from Europe and the surrounding regions.

EuARe is an inclusive network of networks which is committed to:

  • giving voice to religious anthropology, archeology, arts, conflicts, cults, doctrines, exegesis, experiences, history, institutions, laws, philology,  philosophy, psychology, theologies, texts, and all the disciplines with an academic status in the universities or research centers, with their own distinctive and specific epistemological traditions;

  • promoting academic and interdisciplinary exchange, fostering mutual respect between individuals and communities of diverse religion or belief;

  • providing an open space to those who work in the production and/or dissemination of knowledge in and of the religious field;

  • being an instrument to make visible the academic institutions and centers of a very large and diverse set of disciplines to the public opinion and decision makers through a public, open-access web platform and an annual convention;

  • adopting an inclusive approach and encourage disciplinary and interdisciplinary research in the perspective of open research, cultural diplomacy, dialogue among thinkers, peaceful relationships among cultural systems, and intellectual international cooperation;

  • offering a forum for the exchange of information between academics and decision makers in order to create understanding in the public domain concerning developments which contain religious aspects or motivations;

  • encouraging stakeholders in Europe in addressing the post-secular resurgence of the role of religion in the public sphere;

  • contributing to the construction of society and formation of culture.


For futher informations:


  1. Propongo che chiunque possa confrontarsi con l’architettura ideata/abbozzata desiderando esprimere la gratitudine proponendo la mia testimonianza, la ChiesAuovo (cfr. Facebook) architettura che mi permetto di ritenere corrisponda a quella che dovrebbe essere diffusa a livello internazionale da due millenni per stimolare la coscienza di vita dei fratelli tutti, presenti e futuri.
    Ho ideato/abbozzato la stessa mosso dal desiderio di esprimere la gratitudine, in modo che ognuno possa accogliere la mia testimonianza ed interpretare il proprio vivere coscientemente, ovvero considerando che lo stesso non è fine a se medesimo ma corrispondente alla gestazione della vita ultraterrena imperitura, Verità spesso non considerata adeguatamente, se non ridicolizzata, che invece ho ricavato l’opportunità di distinguere come Verità effettiva ed imperitura, ragion di vita comune all’intera umanità presente e futura.
    Chiedo possiate accogliere la mia volontà di evolvere la definizione progettuale relativa.
    Saluto chiedendo di ricevere risposta/invito a proposito.
    Arch. Levorin Sergio, giovane uomo (LVRSRG78P15C665N) residente a Chivasso (TO), tel_3470516402, e-mail addresse:


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